Privacy Policy
1. Basic concepts
1.1. VKontakte Website (Website) – VKontakte social network, posted on the Internet website at and available to User through the website, the mobile version of the website.
1.2. Community – Website section at in the form of a group, an official page or a meeting, administered by the Operator for the purpose of posting information, including for the purpose of promoting commercial, political, charitable and other non-profit organizations, brands, goods, works and services, as well as various events.
1.3. Personal data operator (Operator) – ООО СИНОЛАБ, г. Одинцово, ул. Маршала Бирюзова, 2А, the person who processes the User's personal data in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
1.4. Website Administration – Limited Liability Company V Kontakte, located at: prem. 1-N, bld. 12-14, Lit. A, Khersonskaya st., St. Petersburg, 191024, Russia, OGRN 1079847035179, INN 7842349892.
1.5. User – the User of the Website, registered in the prescribed manner on the Website, or any individual who has given the Operator his/her consent to personal data processing in accordance with this Policy.
1.6. Policy – Standard Privacy Policy of the Application Operator for the Website.
2. General Provisions
2.1. This Policy is an official document of the Operator, and determines the procedure for processing and protecting of User information.
2.2. The purpose of this Policy is to protect User information adequately, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
2.3. Relations related to collection, storage, distribution and protection of of User information are governed by this Policy and the current Russian legislation.
2.4. The current version of the Policy, which is a public document, was developed by Website Administration and is available to any Internet User when clicking on the “Operator's Privacy Policy” hypertext link. .
Website Administration has the right to amend this Policy. Upon the Policy modification, Website Administration will post a new version of the Policy on Website at its permanent address.
Website Administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of this Policy for amendments and/or additions.
2.5. User accepts the terms of this Policy by clicking «Send request» on the page of User data collection by Operator at
3. Application Terms of Use
3.1. While providing Application services, Operator, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that User:
– has all necessary rights to enable him/her to accept the terms of this Policy.
– indicates reliable information about him-/herself to the extent provided for by this Policy;
– has read this Policy, agrees with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified herein.
3.2. Operator does not verify the accuracy of the User information received (collected).
4. Purpose of information processing
Operator processes the personal data provided by User to communicate with User regarding receipt and execution of User's request in relation to the Operator’s goods / works / services.
5. User information scopes
5.1. Operator processes the following User personal data:
a) Name;
b) Phone number;
c) Email address.
6. Processing of User personal data
6.1. Personal data are processed on the basis of the following principles:
a) legality of the purposes and methods of personal data processing and good faith;
b) compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes predetermined and declared in personal data collecting, as well as with the Operator’s powers;
c) compliance of the scope and nature of the processed personal data, methods of personal data processing with the purposes of personal data processing;
d) inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data that are processed for purposes that are incompatible with each other.
6.1.1. Conditions and purposes of personal and other data processing
Operator processes User personal data with his/her consent provided for in para. 6.1.2. of this Policy, for the purposes specified in ‘‘‘para. 4''' of this Policy.
6.1.2. Consent to personal data processing
The User provides Operator with consent to his\her personal data processing provided for in para. 5.1 'of this Policy, with the User’s consent in the form of a conclusive action - when filling in the data and clicking «Send request» on the page of User data collection by Operator at
6.1.3. Personal data transfer
User personal data shall not be transferred by Operator to any third parties under any circumstances, except for the cases when Operator fulfills the requirements of the current Russian legislation.
6.2. User personal data shall be kept within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of their provision by User, but in any case no later than the goal is achieved, provided for in para. 4 of this Policy.
7. Rights and Obligations of User
User has the right, upon request, to receive information regarding his/her personal data processing from Operator.
8. User information security measures
Operator takes technical, organizational and legal measures to protect User personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions. Description of relevant technical, organizational and legal measures should be contained in the Operator’s local regulations.
9. Users’ requests
9.1. User has the right to send his/her requests to Operator, including requests regarding his/her personal data usage, provided for in para. 5.1 'of this Policy, in writing, at the Operator’s address specified in para. 1.3 'of this Policy, or by sending email to the Operator's address
9.2. The request sent by User must contain the following information:
– number of the main identity document of User or his/her representative;
– date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
– information confirming involvement of User in relations with Operator (in particular, the data provided by User to Operator, provided for in para. 5.1 of this Policy);
– signature of User or his/her representative.
9.3. Operator undertakes to consider and send a response to the User's request within 30 days from the date of the request receipt.
9.4. All correspondence received by Operator from Users (communication in writing or electronic form) refers to restricted access information and shall not be disclosed without the User’s written consent. User personal data and other information on User who sent a request cannot be used without User’s special consent otherwise than for response to the topic of the request received, except for the cases directly provided for by the law.